Found 317 articles starting with A: Page #9

another - correct spelling

another pronoun and adjective
Example: The beer was flat, so he opened another. pronoun...

Another vs. Other

One more of the same kind of thing.A different one.Different; not the same as mentioned.Remaining.More or extra.In the recent past.The rest....

answer - correct spelling

answer noun and verb
Example: Please send me your answer soon. noun
Example: She had...

Ant vs. Aunt

An ant is a small insect that is known for its hardworking nature and living in colonies. Ants are known to be strong and industrious, often working together in large groups to achieve a common goal. For example, you might say, "I saw an ant carry...


A pronoun takes the place of a noun
. When writing, you'll use a pronoun and that pronoun will refer to some noun close by. That noun (the referent) is called the antecedent. The prefix ante...


English seems a pretty simple language at one glance but when you go deeper into it you will realize that th...

Antecedent Word or Antecedent Phrase


Antecedents - Number and Gender

Pronoun AgreementYou must use a plural pronoun to refer to a plural noun, a singular pronoun to refer to a singular noun. This rule is called agreement in number. Thus: The young women...

Antecedents - Placement of Pronouns

Before we discuss the other types of pronouns, let’s pause and discuss the concept of pronoun antecedents.When you use a pronoun, it will typically refer to a word somewhere close by. That is, the noun the pronoun replaces sits somewhere in t...

antediluvian - vocabulary

antediluvian - adjective
Of or pertaining to the times, things, events before the great flood in the days of Noah; something old-fashioned, antiquated, out-of-date. “And is it true th...

Anticipatory Words

In English grammar, various expressions have somewhat different meaning then their exact dict...

antiseptic - correct spelling

antiseptic noun and adjective
Example: To heal the abrasion, the doctor applied an antiseptic. noun...

anxious - correct spelling

anxious adjective
Note: In formal settings, refrain from using anxious to mean eager.Example: The anxious...

Any more vs. Anymore

Any more vs. Anymore: A brief history.In this article, we will look at the two-word phrase any more which, in certain situations, becomes the one-word phrase, anymore. ...

Anyone vs. Any one

Have you ever wondered what the difference is between anyone and any one? Consider the sentences bel...

apartment - correct spelling

apartment noun
Example: She rented an expensive apartment in Manhattan....

aphorism - vocabulary

aphorism - noun
A terse saying that embodies a general truth, as in (with apologies to Lord Acton) Power corrupts and Power Point corrupts absolutely.Note: In The World in a Phrase...

apologize - correct spelling

apologize verb
Example: He should apologize to the voters....

Apologize vs. Apologise

If the athlete wants to rejoin the team, he must apologise for his poor attitude. ...

apology - correct spelling

apology noun
Example: He offered his apology for his failure to increase sales....

apostasy, apostate - vocabulary

apostasy, apostate - noun
Apostasy: a total departure from one’s religious, political, or personal beliefs and principles.Apostate: a person who...

Apostrophes Form a Narrow Class of Plurals

Use "apostrophe ‑s" to form plurals only when absolutely necessary. Use just an ‑s (or ‑es) to form the plurals of dates, acronyms, and families: She longed for the 1960s. The inves...

Apostrophes Form Contractions

Use the apostrophe to form contractions. Though contractions rarely show up in formal writing, a well-placed one now and then can have a positive effect. I use them all the time (you've probably noticed): can't won't ...

apparatus - correct spelling

apparatus noun
Plural, either apparatus or apparatuses.Example: The apparatus of government in that country has totally br...

apparent - correct spelling

apparent adjective
Example: She was fired for no apparent reason....

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    Identify the sentence with correct use of the preposition 'between':
    A He traveled between Paris and London last month.
    B The cat is sleeping between the cushions.
    C The agreement is between the two companies.
    D She sat between her friends during the movie.

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