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further - correct spelling

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  Ed Good  —  Grammar Tips
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adverb, adjective, and verb

Note: Some usage guides insist that only farther describes physical distance (We walked farther than we planned). But farther and further have been used interchangeably throughout much of their histories.

Note, however, that only further may be used in the adverbial sense of “moreover” (Further, you hurt my feelings) and in the adjectival senses of “more extended” (no further comment) and of “additional” (Further bulletins came in).’s section on Problem Words discusses further and farther. Click here for that discussion.

See farther.

Example: Let’s not discuss it further. adverb

Example: I have no further comment. adjective

Example: He wanted to further his career. verb

Example: He walked farther down the road. adverb

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    "further - correct spelling." STANDS4 LLC, 2024. Web. 16 Apr. 2024. <>.

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    Identify the sentence with correct use of the adverbial clause:
    A He is studying, and he is doing well.
    B They are happy since they got good news.
    C She sings well because she practices every day.
    D I am tired, but I still have work to do.

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