Found 31 articles starting with #:

"A" and "AN" - How to use?

Hi friends,The general rule is that, “an” is to be used before a vowel and “a” is to beUsed before a consonant.This rule is applicable in most of the situations.But in some cases the word “an” is used before consonant ...

1. Coordinating Conjunctions

BOYFANSWe have seven coordinating conjunctions, and you can remember them by referring to the acronym BOYFANS. B ...

1. Do All Adverbs End in -ly?

What happened to the -ly ending?We use the ‑ly ending to add to adjectives to convert them to adverbs. Thus, the adjective easy becomes the adverb easily, the adjective rapid becomes the ad...

1. Personal Pronouns

I, Me, My, Mine, We, Us, Our, Ours, etc.Let’s start with the personal pronouns, those that take the place of people or other living or once-living beings...

1. Simple Prepositions

Little but Important WordsIn the English language we have approximately 70 simple prepositions. About half of them have two syllables (under, over, behind, without) or more (underneath, notwithstanding)....

15 Baseball Idioms and Metaphors

It is interesting to contemplate how a language grows. For example, let’s look at what the game of baseball contributed to the English language. ...

2. Correlative Conjunctions

Power WordsThe second kind of conjunction is the correlative conjunction, which comes in pairs of words. Here are the most commonly used:Correlative Conjunctions...

2. Intensive Pronouns - The -self Words

Pronouns that EmphasizeFinally, the ‑self words also serve as intensives, structures enabling us to emphasize. We use them to repeat the noun referred to. In formal style, we put the ‑self word directly afte...

2. Marginal Prepositions

Verbs as PrepositionsMarginal prepositions act like prepositions but derive from other word classes, primarily verb forms:Marginal Prepositionsbarring concerning considering pending&nb...

2. Reflexive Pronouns - The -self Words

Myself and Other MistakesThese are the reflexive ‑self pronouns, and we use them in the objective function to handle situations where the subject and the object of the sentence are ...

2. Where Do Adverbs Go?

Many writers make a mistake.As we learned in the section on verbs, every one-word verb has a one-word present tense and a one-word past tense. Thus: I write and I wrote. These one-word verbs are called s...

21 Gambling Lingo Terms Most Commonly Used In Casinos

Therefore, if you wish to be a proper gambler or know what's going on when someone talks about their success in a recently played poker game, it's essential to understand the specific terminology used in casinos...

3 Basic Grammar Rules for Academic Writing

Rule #1. Use Proper PunctuationWe assume that you already know the basic rule that you should write complete sentences that have subjects and verbs, and ensure that you start each new sentence with a capital letter. Apart from that, using a...

3 Instinctive Grammar Rules

Most native English speakers are not English majors and have never studied grammar. Most of us do not know the underlying rules that govern the structures and usage of the English language. We speak correctly, e...

3 Online Words Of The Year: Catphishing, Ghosting, Doxing

What Are Catphishing, Ghosting, and Doxing?The Internet provides us with an unparalleled amount of information and opportunities. Hand in hand...

3. Compound Prepositions

A Stuffy StyleThese come in two varieties:1. two-word prepositions 2. three-word prepositionsThe two-word varieties include pursuant to, according to, because of, prior to, ...

3. Indefinite Pronouns

One, Each, Somebody, and Many OthersOodles of indefinite pronouns enable us to refer to any one, any two, several, or all in a group or class of persons or things or ideas. As shown in the ...

3. Placing the Word “Only”

According to Garner Oxford, the word only is “the most frequently misplaced of all English words.” Garner Oxford, p. 239. You should put only immediately before the word you intend to limit. The greater the distanc...

3. Subordinating Conjunctions

Starting Dependent ClausesThe third and final type of conjunction introduces subordinate clauses. We have a rather long list of these words, called subordinating conjunctions. Notice our friend, the word that...

4 Hard Issues in the English Language for Non-Native Speakers

Did you know that the letter “e” is the most frequently used symbol in English? Orthat the majority of the English words start with the letter “s”? And oh, here is agood one: the most commonly used words in English are “you...

4 of the World's Oldest Languages

What do the Lithuanian language, the Tamil language, the Hebrew language, and the language of Farsi have in common?...

4. Demonstrative Pronouns

Four Important Words: This, That, These, and ThoseThese four words can serve as demonstrative pronouns or as demonstrative adjectives. This, That, These, Those - Pronouns...

4. What Are the Comparative and Superlative Forms?

Recall in the section on adjectives that we can show various degrees of the descriptive qualities of adjectives: hot plate (positive) hotter plate (comparative) hottest...

5 Educational Websites for Foreign Students to Make Fast Progress in Studies

It’s possible to find a lot of helpful educational services that function online. They offer various learning options and kinds of help. If you find good educational websites for foreign students, you can solve your greatest troubles. Top 5 useful we...

5 of the World’s Newest Languages

In this article, we will be looking at five of the world’s newest languages. The formation of a language is a slow-moving, living process that is influenced by many f...

5 Ways to Overcome Grammar Issues

Why Literacy MattersThere are two basic reasons why you should work on your literacy and constantly improve it.1. The Increased Likelihood of Getting Low Marks for Written TasksProfessors do not like illitera...

5. Relative Pronouns

That or Which? Who or Whom?Smart people get confused over relative pronouns. They use which when it feels good and that when it sounds right, and totally come apa...

6 American Football Expressions

Many expressions from American football have made their way into our everyday speech and we use football expressions without even realizing that we are echoing the language of the football stadium....

6 most commonly confused words

1. Complimentary vs complementary The word ...

6. Interrogative Pronouns

Amber, Igor, and Miss Hamrick had lots of questions they wanted to ask, so they convened the Grammar Committee and devised ways to interrogate members of the tribe. First, they decided to form questions by including an auxiliary verb and then putting...

7. Reciprocal Pronouns

Each Other and One AnotherWe have only two of these pronouns, they come in pairs, and they typically appear as objects: each other and one another. We use them to show some sort of a relati...

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    Are you a grammar master?

    Choose the sentence with correct use of the possessive apostrophe:
    A The cat's tail is fluffy.
    B Theyre planning a trip for next summer.
    C Its been a long day.
    D Shes going to her friends party.

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