Found 317 articles starting with A: Page #4

Active Voice vs. Passive Voice

Active and passive voice sounds like something complex and complicated, but really, it's not. It's about the relation existing between the subject and the action of a sentence, more exactly about who does what. But the best way to understand these is...

acumen - vocabulary

acumen - noun
Quickness of intellectual insight, or discernment; keenness of judgment, insight, discrimination.Note: The older pronunciation stresses the second syllable. The mode...

Adapt vs. Adept vs. Apt vs. Adopt

Apt Apt is an adjective that describes the right situation for something or the person who is perfectly suitable for some situation. Apt can also be used to describe someone who is quick to learn. Apt sis derived from the Lati...

Addition vs. Edition

He bought a car in addition to the truck he got last week. ...

address - correct spelling

address verb and noun
Example: The politician will address the convention. verb
Example: ...

addressed - correct spelling

addressed verb
Example: The politician addressed the convention....

adduce - vocabulary

adduce - verb
To bring forward evidence in an argument; to cite as pertinent or even conclusive. As shown below, often used in legal proceedings: President Clinton, through undersigned cou...

adequate - correct spelling

adequate adjective
Example: She had adequate funds in her checking account....

adjectival clause

First, a clause is a group of words with a conjugated verb in it. Second, an adjectival clause is a clause that modifies or describes a noun or pronoun
. Note these adjectival claus...

Adjectival Clauses and Phrases

Restrictive vs. NonrestrictiveIf the adjectival clause or phrase is nonrestrictive, put commas around it. If the clause or phrase is restrictive, do not put commas around it. See the discussion of that vs. which...

adjectival phrase

First, a phrase is any multiword group without a conjugated verb
. Second, an adjectival phrase is a phrase that modifies or describes a noun or pronoun
. Usually, an adjectival phra...

Adjectival Phrases

Funny word, the adjective. When it appears as just one word, it must usually come before the word it modifies. Thus, we can write about the essential factor, and we must position essential before factor. But if we add some ...


An adjective is a word or group of words that modifies or describes a noun (a little girl) or a pronoun (he is ...

Adjective vs. Adverb

We all learned about the different parts of speech in high school and most of us can easily d...

Adjectives - Definition, Overview, and Lists of Examples

WelcomeBelow you’ll find links to our discussion on adjectives. We recommend that you start with the first topic,Adjectives - Words That Describe
. At the bottom o...

Adjectives - Phrases and Clauses

It’s SHOUTING time again. Wake up. This stuff is important.There are two main types of word chunks, clauses and phrases. A clause is a bunch of words with a conjugated verb in it. A phrase is a bunch of words without a conjugated verb in it....

Adjectives - Words That Describe

We’ve learned about nouns. Now we’ll look at words that describe or modify nouns. We call these words or groups of words adjectives. In this section, we’ll also learn about articles—a, an, and the.Adjectives describ...

Adjectives and Adverbs

Simply put, ...

Admit vs. Confess

Ever wondered about the difference between admission and confession? And don’t say there isn’t because there IS! Admit and confess is a pair of words that usually tips of writers while writing their pieces and make them think twice before using t...

Advance vs. Advanced

To move forward or to make progress.Happening before something else, as in advance warning.To lend money.A movement forward made by a group of soldiers.If something has reached an advanc...

advantage - correct spelling

advantage noun
Example: We finally have the advantage....

advantageous - correct spelling

advantageous adjective
Example: This advantageous plan will rescue the company from bankruptcy....


An adverb is a word or group of words that modifies or describes a verb. Many one-word adverbs end in “-ly,” such as he ran quickly. Others, however, do not, such as he ran ...

Adverb vs. Verb

A word usually used to describe a verb or adjective.A word that expresses an action or a state of being....

adverbial clause

First, a clause is a group of words with a conjugated verb in it. Second, an adverbial clause is a clause that modifies or describes a verb
. Note these adverbial clauses: He quit the race...

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    Identify the sentence with correct use of the past continuous tense:
    A We will be arriving at the airport shortly.
    B He finished his book before the movie started.
    C They were playing tennis when it started to rain.
    D She has already finished her work.

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