Found 182 articles starting with E: Page #7

excellence - correct spelling

excellence noun
Example: The supervisor insisted on excellence from all her staff....

excellent - correct spelling

excellent adjective
Example: These excellent results will impress the voters....

except - correct spelling

except preposition, subordinating conjunction, and verb’s section on Problem Words discusses except and accept. ...

exceptional - correct spelling

exceptional adjective
Example: Her exceptional children received full academic scholarships....

Exclamation Mark

Punctuation is the basic element of English grammar and without it a sentence is not only inc...

Exclamation Point Goes Inside

Sometimes the exclamation point goes inside the closing quotations marks. The man cried out: "Fire! There's a fire! Call 911!" (Exclamation point that's part of the quotation goes inside. Notice that no additional pun...

Exclamation Point Goes Outside

Sometimes the exclamation point goes outside the closing quotations marks. When 911 took the call, the operator said, "I'm on a break now"! (Exclamation point showing the writer's exclamation goes outside the ending q...

execrable - vocabulary

Abominable, detestable, abhorrent; very bad. But is an enemy so execrable that though in captivity his wishes and comforts are to be disregarded and even crossed? I think not....

exercise - correct spelling

exercise noun and verb
Not excercise.Example: His lack of exercise caused him to gain weight. n...

exhaust - correct spelling

exhaust noun and verb
Example: The car’s exhaust fouled the air. noun
Example: We wi...

exhausted - correct spelling

exhausted adjective and verb (past tense and past participle of the verb exhaust)Example: He was ...

exhaustion - correct spelling

exhaustion noun
Example: The athlete’s exhaustion caused him to faint....

exhilarate - correct spelling

exhilarate verb
Example: The enthusiastic speaker will exhilarate the crowd....

exhilaration - correct spelling

exhilaration noun
Example: The spectators applauded with exhilaration....

existence - correct spelling

existence noun
Not existance.Example: They worked for a better existence....

existent - correct spelling

existent adjective
Example: He searched for any existent errors in the document....

exorbitant - correct spelling

exorbitant adjective
Example: The exorbitant fees prompted us to find a new accountant....

expense - correct spelling

expense noun and verb
Example: The cost of his computer was a legitimate business expense. noun...

experience - correct spelling

experience noun
Example: She lacks the necessary experience for the position....

experiment - correct spelling

experiment noun and verb
Example: The experiment proved the force of gravity. noun
Example: ...

expiate - vocabulary

To atone for, to make amends for, as in to expiate his crimes. “Dolly!” he said, sobbing now; “for mercy's sake, think of the children; they are not to blame! I am to blame, and punish me, make...

explanation - correct spelling

explanation noun
Example: He has no adequate explanation for the company’s loss....

explicate - vocabulary

To make clear or plain; to explain, interpret; to develop a theory or principle. "This book is about life as it is interpreted by books," Edward Mendelson begins. He takes as his subjects Birth, Childho...

Explicit vs. Implicit

Explicit vs. ImplicitHave you ever confused "explicit" for "implicit" in a sentence, or at least wondered wheth...

explicit, implicit

The word explicit means “fully and clearly expressed; leaving nothing implied.” It also means “readily observable,” as in an explicit sign of success. And, of course, explicit...

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    Which sentence is grammatically incorrect?
    A The concert was attended by many people.
    B I can't hardly wait for the weekend.
    C I have never seen such a beautiful scenery.
    D The committee is meeting tomorrow.

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