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promulgate - vocabulary

This article is about promulgate - vocabulary — enjoy your reading!

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  Ed Good  —  Grammar Tips
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To make known through public declaration; formally proclaim; publish.

Note: In law, we say that Congress enacted a statute. But we say that a federal agency promulgated a regulation.

One need not be a Scientologist—as I emphatically am not—to advocate for Scientologists' 1st Amendment right to believe their myths, practice their rituals and promulgate their message to others. One may be a skeptic—as I am—and still marvel at the creative ways in which human societies attain and maintain a collective identity and sense of meaning.

—Jean E. Rosenfeld
“Let Scientology Be. It Will Stand or Fall on Its Own Merits.
Scientology Stands a Chance”
Los Angeles Times, February 22, 2008

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