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run-on sentence

This article is about run-on sentence — enjoy your reading!

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  Ed Good  —  Grammar Tips
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A run-on sentence happens when a semicolon is omitted between two independent clauses not joined by a coordinating or correlative conjunction. Sometimes a comma might appear, but that's incorrect punctuation. To join two independent clauses without a conjunction, you must use a semicolon, as in John played the guitar; Mary sang the melody.

You can fix run-on sentences by (1) adding a semicolon, (2) breaking the run-on sentence into two sentences, (3) using a conjunctive adverb with a preceding semicolon and trailing comma, or (4) using a coordinating conjunction.

Here are some examples of run-on sentences, with fixes shown parenthetically):

It was late, we went home. (It was late; we went home.) (It was late; therefore, we went home.)

The research was defective, the partners were upset. (The research was defective; the partners were upset.) (The research was defective. The partners were upset.) (The research was defective, so the partners were upset.)

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    "run-on sentence." STANDS4 LLC, 2024. Web. 25 Apr. 2024. <>.

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    A She likes both chocolate and vanilla ice cream.
    B He is tired so he keeps working.
    C I neither like apples nor oranges.
    D She is tall and her brother is short.

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