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Paediatric vs. Pediatric
This article answers all your questions about the spelling of these two words along with definitions, origins, usage and examples. Read along and you will get to know the difference between the two s…
Further vs. Farther
Further research is necessary. The red car is farther away than the blue car. Contrary to popular opinion, further and farther don't have the same meaning. Basically, further refers to something that…
Allude vs. Elude
He eluded to the problem but did not mention it. The thief alluded the police. Can you spot the mistake in the above two sentences? Take a minute to read both sentences carefully and see if you can f…
Grizzly vs. Grisly
Grisly and grizzly both have different meanings and spellings but they sound exactly same. These types of words are known as homophones and they cause a lot of confusion among native and new English …
Ageing vs. Aging
Ageing vs. Aging
Conversion is one of the most important methods of word formation in English. The English vocabulary has obtained plenty of new nouns and adjectives using conversion from verbs, f…
Dive Deeper into the English Language with These Tips
Admit it – when someone tells you that he/she’s learning English, and it’s verydifficult, chances are that you don’t help or comfort them by giving some tips,sharing your personal hacks or doing anyt…
abject - vocabulary
abject - adjective Sunk to a low condition, miserable, degraded, without self-respect, of the lowest kind.
Note: Often used in the cliché, abject poverty, where a…
Linking Verbs
In point of fact, the verb to be is also a linking verb. But I prefer to put be in a category all by itself and then treat linking verbs separately. We learned above that the verb to be can connect a…
Verb Function 1 - Conjugated Verb
The conjugated verb performs the most crucial role in English: It forms the sentence. Without the conjugated verb, we would have no complete grammatical sentences.
When conjugated, the verb forms …
"Different from" vs. "Different than"
Watch Out
The word than typically follows a comparative adjective, such as closer or more bizarre. You would thus say: K  Street is closer than M…
Start a Sentence with a Conjunction
And you may start a sentence with And.
You probably learned in grade school: Never start a sentence with but, and, or any other conjunction. Poppycock!
Not only can you start s…
The Most Difficult Words to Spell in English
And, then come those complex words that don’t even enter our tongue, leave alone learning or using them. But why are those words there? • For most English language exams, knowledge of these words ca…
Punctuation is the basic element of English grammar and without it a sentence is not only incomplete but also insensible. There are various marks of punctuation that are used in sentences to give the…
buried - correct spelling
verb (past tense and past participle of the verb bury)
Example: The general was buried with his men.
Example: They buried the truth in a footnote.
pursuit - correct spelling
pursuit - noun  
Example: The sheriff and his men were in hot pursuit.
Revenge vs. Avenge
Avenge Avenge is a verb that has its roots from the Latin vindicare. It means to cause harm to someone in return for an injury or wrong doing by them. Avengers is more in the context or sense of givi…
obsequious - vocabulary
Showing a servile or fawning readiness to fall in with the wishes or will of another; overly deferential. What guest at Dives’s table can pass the familiar house without a sigh?—the fami…
aver - vocabulary
aver - verb To assert or affirm with confidence; to declare in a preemptory or positive manner. In law, to allege something as a fact, often followed by a that clause, as in The plai…
credence - vocabulary
credence - noun Acceptance as true or valid; belief. A letter found in 1991 by State Archivist David Olson lends credence to another more direct theory [on the origi…
debase - vocabulary
debase - verb To lower in character or virtue, to reduce in value or quality, as in The Fed debased the dollar; to lower in rank, significance, or dignity. Hygiene is the corruption of medicine by mo…
enmity - vocabulary
A feeling or condition of animosity, hatred, ill will. Between men and women there is no friendship possible. There is passion, enmity, worship, love, but no friendship.
epithet - vocabulary
Any word or phrase applied to a person or thing and used to describe an actual or attributed quality, as in The Great Communicator used to describe Ronald Reagan or man’s best friend used to …
Plurals of Nouns
Notice that words are characterized as nouns by their ability to form plurals. (Some pronouns have this ability as well, e.g., other and others.) You will form the plural for most nouns by adding ‑s …
Vacate vs. Evacuate
Evacuate Evacuate (verb) is a stronger term which means emptying a space because of some emergency for safety purpose. Commonly, this word is used when there is a problem and a large number of people…
meticulous - vocabulary
Taking extreme care with minute details; precise; thorough. Moreover, in his tremendous prophecy of this kingdom which was to make all men one together in God, Jesus had small patience f…

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Identify the sentence with correct use of the comparative adverbs:
A She dances more beautifully than him.
B They reached the destination sooner than we.
C She speaks English more fluently than anyone in the class.
D He finished the race quicker than the other athletes.

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