
Edgood's entries Page #8

Here's the list of entries submitted by edgood  — There are currently 2,283 entries total — keep up the great work!

penultimate - vocabulary

adjectiveNext to the last. When I was a school-boy, during the penultimate decade of the last century, the chief American grammar was “A Practical Grammar of the English Language,” by ...

8 years ago

pejorative - vocabulary

adjectiveCharacterized by a belittling, disparaging, or derogatory force or effect.nounThe statement itself. Never . . . use the word gossip in a pe...

8 years ago

pedantic - vocabulary

adjectiveOstentatious in one’s learning; characterized by a detailed, often ostentatious, attention to formalisms, especially in teaching. Here, Nabokov's aristocratic dilettantism is perfect, because ...

8 years ago

pedagogy - vocabulary

nounThe science and art of teaching; the function or work of a teacher. The first thing to know about Lan Samantha Chang, who has been named the new director of the Iowa Writers' Workshop, is that she has s...

8 years ago

pecuniary - vocabulary

adjectiveOf or relating to money. No genuine equality, no real freedom, no true manhood or womanhood can exist on any foundation save that of pecuniary independence. As a right over a ...

8 years ago

paucity - vocabulary

nounSmallness of quantity; scarcity. It is very strange, and very melancholy, that the paucity of human pleasures should persuade us ever to call hunting one of them.—Samue...

8 years ago

patronize - vocabulary

verbTo give a store or business one’s regular patronage; to trade with; to behave in an offensively condescending way. “Of course,” his mother persevered, “some of the programs are not very good, but we oug...

8 years ago

parsimonious - vocabulary

adjectiveUnduly sparing in the use or expenditure of money; stingy; cheap. The noun form is parsimony. England, however, as it has never been blessed with a very pa...

8 years ago

parody - vocabulary

verbA satirical or humorous imitation, usually of a serious piece of literature; any humorous, burlesque, or satirical imitation of a person, event, etc. The parody is the last refuge of th...

8 years ago

parlance - vocabulary

nounA manner or way of speaking, vernacular, idiom, as in legal parlance. Every president after Jefferson has professed agreement with Jefferson’s concept that the freedom of the American press to ...

8 years ago

paragon - vocabulary

nounA pattern or model of excellence. Based on the novel by Charles Baxter, the movie is ostensibly an exploration of love in its many forms, but mostly it sticks to the credulity-and-patience-straining kin...

8 years ago

paradigm - vocabulary

nounA pattern or model; a set of assumptions, values, concepts, and practices that forms a way of viewing reality for the people who share those assumptions, etc., especially in an intellectual discipline. ...

8 years ago

parable - vocabulary

nounA brief story used to teach a truth or moral lesson; a statement or comment that conveys an indirect meaning through analogy or comparison. He put before them another parable: “The king...

8 years ago

pandemic - vocabulary

adjective, nounAffecting a whole people, all classes, or the whole world, as a disease; general or universal, as in pandemic fear of a pandemic. “The threat of an influenza...

8 years ago

panacea - vocabulary

nounA remedy or medicine for all disease, a cure-all; a solution for all difficulties or problems. "It's not all rubbish," cried Amory passionately. "This is the first time in my life I've argued Socialism....

8 years ago

palpable - vocabulary

nounPlainly or readily seen, heard, or understood; evident; obvious; capable of being felt or touched; tangible. Is this a dagger which I see before me, The handle toward my hand? Come, let me clutch thee. ...

8 years ago

ostracize - vocabulary

verbTo exclude, by general agreement, from friendship, society, conversation, or privileges, as in His friends ostracized him after the scandal broke. Even after this skirmish, Democrats are unlike...

8 years ago

oral, verbal - vocabulary

adjectiveOral: uttered by the mouth, as in oral testimony; using or transmitted by speech, as in oral methods of teaching languages; involving the mouth, as in the oral ...

8 years ago

opprobrium - vocabulary

nounThe disgrace or reproach incurred by outrageous or shameful conduct; ignominy. Yahoo has suffered a good deal of opprobrium since it was revealed last month that, when [Chinese] governm...

8 years ago

onus - vocabulary

nounA difficult burden, task, or responsibility. In law, the word onus refers to the burden of proof, as in The onus is on the plaintiff to prove the theory of the case. He propo...

8 years ago

onerous - vocabulary

adjectiveBurdensome, oppressive, troublesome. We have the means to change the laws we find unjust or onerous. We cannot, as citizens, pick and choose the laws we will or will not obey....

8 years ago

omniscience, omniscient - vocabulary

adjectiveOmniscient: having unlimited or infinite knowledge.nounOmniscience: unlimited or infinite knowledge. Philip felt that he ought to...

8 years ago

officious - vocabulary

adjectiveIntermeddling with what is not one's concern; overly aggressive in offering one’s unwanted and unrequested services. The government is huge, stupid, greedy and makes nosy, officious...

8 years ago

obviate - vocabulary

verbTo anticipate, eliminate, or prevent difficulties by effective measures, as in to obviate the risk of injury. The Internet, on the other hand, not only creates niche communities—of young people...

8 years ago

obtuse - vocabulary

adjectiveNot alert or quick in perception or feeling; dull; not observant; not sharp or pointed, blunt in form. It is because the public are a mass—inert, obtuse, and passive—that they...

8 years ago

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Identify the sentence with correct verb tense:
A She will go to the concert tomorrow.
B We has visited that museum before.
C He is going to the party yesterday.
D They will finish the project next week.