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Allure vs. Allude vs. Elude

Allure, allude and elude are similar sounding/looking words that can be easily confused. They are neither synonyms, nor homonyms but one can make mistakes while using them. Therefore, it is important to know the differences between each. 

2:15 min read
  Ramya Shankar  —  Grammar Tips
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Pronounce the ‘a’ allude in the same way as you would pronounce a in assume. The rest of the letters are pronounced as leew-d. So, allude is pronounced as a-leewd. The word comes from the latin alludere, meaning ‘to play with’.

Allude means to suggest something indirectly or hint at something without mentioning it directly. The other person then assumes the connection whatsoever. For example

  • She alluded about going to the bar as her parents were sitting next to her.
  • Allusion is a figure of speech where-in an indirect reference is made about an object or a situation.
  • I had to allude many times that his shirt was not buttoned properly as all the teachers were present.
  • While talking, I alluded to her about our plans tonight.


    Though sounds similar to Allude, elude has a totally different meaning. The similarity comes from their roots. The word is a combination of latin ‘ex’ meaning away from, and ludere, meaning to play giving the word eludere or the modern elude.

    Pronunciation – pronounce the ‘e’ as you would pronounce in elephant. The rest of the word is same as leew-d. So, it is e-leew-d.

    Elude means to escape or get away from something or someone. For example

  • The kids tried to elude the teacher by crawling out of their seats.
  • The concept of Artificial Intelligence still eludes me.
  • He tried to elude the questions about his marriage.
  • She somehow managed to elude the authorities for about 4 years before being caught.
  • Thank god we jumped from the window on time and eluded the fire.

    How to remember?

    Elude starts with an e – remember that escape also starts with an e. So, elude à escape.

    The literary term allusionwhich is a popular figure of speech used in books where an author references other pieces of literature in an indirect way. So, remember allusion à allude.


    Though looks similar to allude, allure is a totally different word with different roots. Allure as a verb means to attract or tempt. Allure comes from the old French luere which means attract.

    Examples –

  • The stranger tried to allure the kids with some chocolates.
  • Her voice is so alluring that we feel like listening to it all the time.
  • Allure the fish with a lure and you can catch it in minutes.
  • Trying alluring them with more money for the statement in my favour.

    In this article, we have seen the words, allude, elude and allure and how each is different from the other. Allude and elude have the same roots, whereas allure comes from a different origin. Allude means to hint at something and elude is to escape.

    Allure vs. Allude vs. Elude

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