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The Grammar Quiz

Are you a grammar master? Dare to take the ultimate grammar challenge? Don't be so shy — Our Fun Grammar Quiz presents questions and answers to help test and enrich your knowledge.

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Question 1/10
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  • docpea
    I was under the belief that 'She has been studying...' was past perfect continuous and that 'had been studying' was the pluperfect not perfect. Also in what way is 'a new puppy' incorrect use of the indefinite article? I am not convinced that it should not be I who am asking the questions. 
    LikeReply1 month ago
  • richt.28357
    Identify the sentence with correct use of the preposition 'between':
    Your answer: She sat between her friends during the movie.

    Correct answer: The agreement is between the two companies.

    Identify the sentence with correct verb tense:
    Your answer: They will finish the project next week.
    Correct answer: She will go to the concert tomorrow.

    My answer in each case is equally correct. Similar issues concerning presented choices frequently occur with the Grammar Quiz.
    LikeReply 34 months ago
  • Woodsj
    I cannot lie, I need practice. lol
    LikeReply4 months ago
  • tigercity1904
    You need to check your knowledge of grammar before you check mine.. all 4 uses of the preposition "under" are acceptable!!
    LikeReply 16 months ago
  • tigercity1904
    "They adopted a cat" (4).. = this is also the indefinite article, an owl is also correct, yes but not the ONLY correct answer. "Him and I will attend the meeting" (10) isn't grammatically correct! It should be "he and I". So I should have 10/10. 
    LikeReply 36 months ago
  • Argent
    #8 has two correct sentences, but the quiz accepts only one of them.
    "She is reading an interesting novel." --- 'an' is the article, and is correct.
    "A cat is a pet." --- 'A' is the article, and is correct (in both places).

    Please be more careful, quiz designers!
    LikeReply 16 months ago
  • sant_l
    6th wrong answer
    LikeReply 19 months ago
  • kkrugerud
    How is the following an incorrect use of the indefinite article: She needs an umbrella in the rain?
    LikeReply 41 year ago
  • kkrugerud
    Actually this quiz has another error with a subject-verb relation: The team of players "is" ready for the match. Because players is part the possessive objects of the singular team.
    LikeReply 21 year ago
  • barbzak
    #7 should be New York Times, as that is the proper name of the newspaper.
    LikeReply 41 year ago
    • acronimous
      Thanks for letting us know! Fixed now...
      LikeReply 29 months ago
  • 156816
    i need help
    LikeReply 11 year ago
    • davidb
      Hello, what exactly do you need?
      LikeReply 11 year ago

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