Found 78 articles starting with G:

Gage vs. Gauge

A commonly misspelled word is "gauge". Not only is it written wrongly in an inappropriate context, but its meaning is also confused with the signification of the word "gage". Let's discuss the difference between "gage" and "gauge" so that you...

gallon - correct spelling

gallon noun
Example: The price for a gallon of gasoline will one day exceed $5.00....

gamut - vocabulary

The whole range, sequence, or scale, as in the gamut of emotion from joy to grief.Note: Way too often you will hear people say runs the gambit. Careful. It’s run the gamut...

Gang vs. Gangster

Introduction The words 'Gang' and 'Gangster' are frequently encountered in various contexts, but their precise meanings can be confusing due to their overlap in certain situations. In this essay, we will delve into their differences and s...

Gangplank vs. Gangway

Introduction English is a language known for its subtleties and occasional similarities between words that can lead to confusion. 'Gangplank' and 'gangway' are two such words, both used in the context of ships and maritime activities. How...

Gaol vs. Jail

As language evolves, some words drop out of common usage or change with the language. This could result in s...

garden - correct spelling

garden noun
Example: My wife’s garden is a sight to behold....

gardener - correct spelling

gardener noun
Example: The gardener planted bulbs in the fall....

Gas Mask vs. Gas Station

Introduction English is a language renowned for its nuances and occasional similarities between words that can lead to confusion. 'Gas mask' and 'gas station' are two such words, both involving the term 'gas,' but with entirely different ...

Gas vs. Gasoline

Introduction English is a language known for its subtleties and occasional similarities between words that can lead to confusion. 'Gas' and 'gasoline' are two such words, both including the word 'gas,' but with different meanings and gram...

Gaslighting and The Metaverse: 2 Popular Words

In today’s article, I have described Gaslighting and The Metaverse: 2 Popular Words.  Although not new, these two words have increas...

gauge - correct spelling

gauge noun and verb
Example: The gauge of the tracks permitted larger trains to run. noun


Gender is a grammatical concept, though most people today use gender when they mean sex. In other languages, various endings indicate whether a noun or pronoun is a masculine, feminine, or ...

Gender - Masculine, Feminine, Neuter

He or SheOur forbears on the Pronoun Committee had a sinister goal in mind: They set out to wreak havoc on people in the late 1900s and early 2000s. They invented one set of pronouns for men and another set ...

Gene vs. Jean

The English language is replete with words that, despite similar phonetic or visual appearances, carry distinct meanings, origins, and usages. A prime example of this phenomenon is the pair of words "gene" and "jean." Although they sound alike whe...

general - correct spelling

general noun and adjective
Example: The general addressed the troops. noun
Example: ...

Generalise vs. Generalize

There are some minor differences in spellings of the same world in different parts of the wor...

generally - correct spelling

generally adverb's section on the Parts of Speech discusses the demise of -ly adverbs. Click here for that dis...

generic - vocabulary

Referring to or applicable to all members of a group, kind, or class. In biology, of or referring to a genus. In law, a word not protected by trademark, as in The word “cola” is a generic term....

Genitive Case

The English grammar is full of terms and words that we are rarely familiar about but still use them in our e...

Genitive Case

Among many other cases in English grammar, there exists genitive case. It is a case which is related to the ...

genius - correct spelling

genius noun
Not genious.Example: His musical genius impressed the audience.See ingeni...

Georgia Country vs. Georgia State

The words "Georgia country" and "Georgia state" represent two distinct concepts that are often confused due to their similar names. These phrases refer to different geographical, cultural, and political entities. This essay will explore their defi...

germane - vocabulary

Significantly or closely related, relevant, pertinent. Quotes from Mao, Castro, and Che Guevara . . . are as germane to our highly technological, computerized society as a sta...


A gerund is a present participle (-ing verb) used as a noun
. If the ‑ing verb acts as an adjective, it is not a gerund but a participial adjective. Thus, the expression a win...

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    Identify the sentence with correct use of the past perfect continuous tense:
    A We will be finishing our meal by the time they arrive.
    B They have been studying for hours.
    C He finished his book before the movie started.
    D She had been working for hours before taking a break.

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