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  • caix_h
    I'm also a student of Canadian CPA program, which module are you in?
    LikeReply2 months ago
  • Thewriter7
    how the grammar?
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • glenncash
    My last name is Cash. Is it correct to write "Welcome to the Cash's" or should it be spelled "Cashes' " or simply "Cashes"?
    LikeReply 11 year ago
  • naila_f
    Dear Ms. Parrish, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to you, one of the kindest individuals I've had the pleasure of encountering throughout my tenure as an educator. Your invaluable assistance has been instrumental and I'm unsure how I could have managed without it. May blessings touch you and your family. 
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • emmanuela_n
    as i said before my dream of becoming a doctor it is real and i know my dream will come true because it is my passion and i believe i will be a doctor and i want to add something , many people in my family are doctors it is already a great influence. 
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • TSM
    Hi Sir, I’ll check to team CP first
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • BellaLittle
    I am currently editing a text book for English as a second language students. I am stuck on this sentence, which all the other editors say is right, but doesn't work for me.
    "Why does the author write this?"
    Surely it should be:
    'Why did the author write this?'
    LikeReply2 years ago
  • Mgt
    Which is correct to say,
    You might like to try those recipes
    You might like to try these recipes
    LikeReply2 years ago
  • jose_u
    Which preposition? Joe made an excellent choice IN or BY marrying Mary.
    LikeReply2 years ago
  • pantony
    Women’s access to these rights is vital to democracy and benefit humanity at large and leads to a fairer world.
    LikeReply2 years ago
    • BellaLittle
      Women’s access to these rights is vital to democracy and benefits humanity at large and leads to a fairer world.
      LikeReply2 years ago
  • Paulieboi
    Is “Nor the likes of you, neither” grammatically correct?
    LikeReply 13 years ago
  • Emmie
    Is this correct No it is not a Christmas Party
    LikeReply 43 years ago
    • Soulwriter
      comma after 'No'
      LikeReply3 years ago
    • Soulwriter
      small p for party
      LikeReply 13 years ago
    • Snicks
      "party" needs to be lower case, it is not a proper noun.
      LikeReply2 years ago
  • lujian
    stress in and of itself is not bad ;rather ,it's how you react to the different stresses in your life that matters
    LikeReply 43 years ago
  • Californiavic
    Is “IBM’s process is unique” correct or is it more proper to read “The IBM process is unique”?
    LikeReply 53 years ago
    • Soulwriter
      both are grammatically correct. If writing an article or paper, your second example is more formal.
      LikeReply 43 years ago
  • kaylaw.73504
    Write the entire sentence correctly :

    We saw sixty airplanes.
    LikeReply 53 years ago
  • jjouano
    is this the right grammar...feeling joyful and bless
    LikeReply 43 years ago
    • acronimous
      Feeling joyful and blessed.
      LikeReply 53 years ago
  • yi_a
    big day meaning please
    LikeReply 63 years ago
    • Soulwriter
      when referring to someone’s ‘big day’ we usually mean a day that is significant, such as a wedding day, special birthday or anniversary. Thanks for asking!
      LikeReply 53 years ago
  • april_k
    Is this correct? It said there were no mistakes!
    My mother in law is going on about how wonderful my room is when I hear her say "outhouse"! I choke. An Outhouse! Really! This is even worse than I had thought.
    Despite her praise of my room, it looks like a mess. Stained bedsheets are stretched over a rickety cot, woven wall hangings are peppered with holes, most likely from mice. It smells of old wood, mothballs, and decay. She hands me a stack of pillows,
    "For the bed," she explains, "the raccoons have gotten to the others." I swallow hard, thinking that this was a mistake.
    LikeReply 54 years ago
  • Linda Miller
    Linda Miller
    This is my first visit to this site. I am impressed with everyone contributing to the content. I learned several proper grammar uses reading the comments. Thank you..
    LikeReply 64 years ago
  • Ruby Jain
    Ruby Jain
    Please tell me meaning of Yanishi
    LikeReply 58 years ago
  • Ben Geschwind
    Ben Geschwind
    In the following sentence, is the use of the word "evolve" acceptable? "The company will provide services designed to maintain and help evolve the voting system."
    In other words, can something "evolve" another thing, or should "evolve" only be used to refer to a single object changing, rather that one thing changing another? 
    LikeReply 49 years ago
    • STANDS4
      Evolution is a noun that represents the development of something overtime. The development, in this process, is a result of a causal variable which may or may not be tangible.

      She helped evolve his personality from a reclusive snub to a cheery fellow.

      Thus one thing can evolve another thing and your sentence "The company will provide services designed to maintain and help evolve the voting system" is perfectly correct.

      LikeReply 58 years ago

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Are you a grammar master?

Identify the sentence with correct use of the adverbial clause:
A He is studying, and he is doing well.
B I am tired, but I still have work to do.
C She sings well because she practices every day.
D They are happy since they got good news.