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Armour vs. Armor

This article is about Armour vs. Armor — enjoy your reading!

1:42 min read
  Marius Alza  —  Grammar Tips
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Another frequently used pair of words, in historical writings and in the gaming industry, "armour" and "armor" are often creating confusion among people who don't know which spelling is correct.

They refer to the same thing, yet people claim that one or the other form is misspelled. Here's the complete explanation about the correct spelling of "armour" and "armor" and how to use them right.

Armour vs. Armor

Both words, "armour" and "armor", can be used as verbs and as nouns as well. As nouns, they refer to the protective suits knights wear during battles or wars. As verbs, "armour" and "armor" refer to the action of putting on or wearing a protective suit.

So what is the difference? Well, like in many cases in modern times, the only difference between "armour" and "armor" is whether you are talking to British or to Americans. According to notorious English dictionaries, both forms are accepted and considered correct as nouns and as verbs, having the same meaning. So when should you use each, according to the context of your communication?

When do we use "armour"?

"Armour" is the British spelling for the noun/verb we are discussing. British tend to pronounce and spell words in their longer form and even though this is not a written rule, it applies to this case as well. If you are writing towards a person from the UK, using "armour" will showcase your grammatical knowledge and your linguistic elegance.

When do we use "armor"?

"Armor" is the shorter spelling of the word and commonly used in the US. So if you are having a conversation in American English, using "armor" will certainly be a good decision.


No matter which of the two spellings you choose, nobody will judge you for confusing or using them wrong. The essential aspect is that both "armor" and "armour" carry the same signification, and choosing to spell it one way or another according to what type of English (British or American) you use is only a subtle matter of personal preference.

Armour vs. Armor

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  • mariog.38766
    Another way to put it is that Americans can't spell basic words
    LikeReply9 months ago
  • Marcelo Márquez
    Marcelo Márquez
    LikeReply3 years ago


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