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Developing Your Love Affair

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  Ed Good  —  Grammar Tips
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Falling in Love with the Verb

Powerful words, these verbs. Maybe that’s why Hugo once said, “The word is the verb, and the verb is God.”

Verb Power

Pretty neat, these verbs. They aren’t content to serve just the verb function in the language, that is, the finite-verb function of creating sentences. In their infinitive, present-participial, and past-participial forms they can elbow out other parts of speech and act as nouns, adjectives, and adverbs. Some of the ‑ing verbs have even morphed into prepositions, as in barring, concerning, regarding, and others.

Let’s move onward, and one hopes forever upward, and learn all about verb conjugation.

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    D She finished her book before the movie started.

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