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  Ed Good  —  Grammar Tips
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The following discussion from The Columbia Guide to Standard American English (1993) aptly describes homographs, homonyms, and homophones:

Homographs are words spelled alike but with different meanings and usually with different pronunciations (lead, verb [LEED], meaning “to conduct,” and lead, noun [LED], the name of the metal). Homophones are words pronounced alike but different in spelling and meaning (to, two, and too). Homonyms, a more general term, are words spelled or pronounced alike but having different meanings: soar and sore are one sort of homonym; gore, meaning “the tapered piece of cloth in a skirt,” and gore, meaning “blood,” are examples of another sort. Bow, verb, “to bend at the waist,” and bow, noun, “the front end of a boat,” are homonyms, and some would add the differently pronounced bow, meaning variously “the weapon for shooting arrows,” “the decorative knot used in hair ribbons and bow ties,” “the long, slender rod strung with horsehairs used to play stringed instruments.”

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    can you tell me differ types of homographs!?
    LikeReply3 years ago


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Choose the sentence with correct use of the possessive apostrophe:
A The dog's leash is in the car.
B Its a beautiful day.
C Theyre planning to leave in an hour's time.
D Hes going to his friend's house.

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