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How to Avoid Grammar Mistakes in Your Writing?

Overlooking grammar mistakes is easy especially if you are editing your work yourself. However, these common grammatical errors, even though they are small, have the potential to damage readability. Readers may choose not to continue reading especially if they are taking time to try and understand what do you mean. If you are writing an essay for your professor, numerous grammar mistakes will leave a permanent bad impression about your writing in general, especially now, as you text more than speak with people face to face. With your spelling and grammar, you have the chance to make a terrible or a great first impression.

3:29 min read
  Yigal Ben Efraim  —  Grammar Tips
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The truth is, it is nearly impossible to write a 3000-word essay that is completely free of grammar and spelling errors. However, there is a great chance that you can minimize the errors so much that the reader will not notice the small issues. This article will give you great tips that you can use to minimize the grammar mistakes in your essay so you get the chance to make a nearly-perfect first impression.

Do not always rely on word’s spell checker

While this tool is great, most of the time, it does not always catch all the mistakes. In most cases, it is not even right. The so-called grammar checker in MS Word is even worse. It will suggest words and highlight sentences that make sense while overlooking the ones that are full of errors. So always go through your paper before you submit it. For this part, avoid proofreading right after you finish writing. Take a few hours or days off the work and proofread later. After taking rest you would be able to look on the sentences from a different perspective.

Have someone to proofread for you

You may already know that when you are aware of how the sentence you have written will end, you are likely to miss critical errors. Therefore it is important that you ask someone you trust to read through the work. If there are any errors you may have overlooked, they will notice and correct them. A fresh pair of eyes may be all you need sometimes. In fact, they may also suggest how you can improve grammar skills for the future writing assignments. If you opt to hire assignment writing service, you need to thoroughly proofread that work before you submit it.

Use a dictionary

There is nothing more boring than having to read an essay that uses the same words over and over. It is irritating and makes the article less interesting. If you realize that this is one of your biggest issues, consider looking for a dictionary. Apps like the Merriam Webster give you a great pool of words that you can use, it also comes with the thesaurus so you can find alternatives of the frequently used words to diversify the vocabulary in your paper. There are also a ton of other dictionaries online that you can use. They offer more than just an information.

Use the apostrophes correctly

The apostrophe is one of the most commonly misused signs that if used incorrectly makes your grammar look terrible. If you find that the use of apostrophes is your biggest issue, you may want to consider looking for a lesson online. If the word is not possessive or does not require a contraction, leave the apostrophe out.

It’s instead of its

The ‘it’s’ with a contraction is often used to depict a possessive pronoun but ‘its’ is the correct word you need to use. ‘It’s’ means ‘it is’. Before you place it in your work, consider saying it out loud. It will help put everything in perspective for you.

Incomplete comparisons

‘Jane is funnier and smarter.’ Than who? What are you comparing her to? There is 50% less sugar in soda. Than in what other drink? Always make sure that when you use comparative adjectives, there are two elements. Grammarly is a great tool to check this. It will help you find out which sentences contain incomplete comparisons.

Other commonly confused words

  • Affect vs. effect
  • Principle vs. principal
  • Fewer vs. less
  • They vs. their
  • That vs. who

If you find that there are words that you commonly mistake for others, choose to omit them. If you must use them, make sure you check that you wrote the right ones before you submit your essay to ensure that you have used them in their correct form.


Choosing to correct your grammar mistakes is only the first step in making sure that you write great essays. If you are writing a blog, search engines will penalize you for mistakes whether your readers notice them or not. Grammatical errors are indicators of poor quality content so try to avoid them if you want to be ranked high.

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