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Phrasal verbs with ‘Get’

We often use phrasal verbs that have specific meaning and add flavour to our English communication. In this article, let us introduce ourselves to some common phrases with ‘get’ and how adding prepositions after get changes the meaning of a phrase.

5:17 min read
  Ramya Shankar  —  Grammar Tips
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Get – as a separate word get means to acquire or have something. When combined with several prepositions, the meaning doesn’t remain the same.

1.       Get up – to wake up, or to move away from where you were sitting before.

a.       I got up late today morning.

b.       Get up from your seat and sit on the last bench.

(Idiom) Get up on the wrong side of the bed – to wake up in a bad mood. My mother got up on the wrong side of the bed today as she had a huge argument with dad.

2.       Get up something – to be determined to achieved something

a.       She got up all her strength to fight cancer – and she did!


3.       Get up to – to do something (which may be not be acceptable to everyone), like a mischief.

a.       Hey boys! What are you getting up to?

b.       They got up to all weird things yesterday.


4.       Get out of – move away from or avoid what you don’t want to do

a.       I want to get out of this project before it gets too late.

b.       Get out of my way or you will not be spared.


5.       Get at someone/something –

a.       Criticise a person all the time – The teacher gets at him all the time for no reason.

b.       To arrive at a conclusion – Oh, I understand what you are getting at with this statement!

c.       To reach something – It is not easy to get at the fans without the ladder.


6.       Get to – to reach a point

a.       It is not easy to get to Kailash Mana Sarovar.

b.       How do you get to the train station?

(Idiom) Get to first base – to reach the first milestone or achievement. The metro project has had so many issues, I wonder when it can get to first base!


(Idiom) Get to the bottom of somethingto research or dig deep about something. If you want to learn something fully, you have to get to the bottom of it.


7.       Get together – a gathering, mostly a social or informal one.

a.       Let us all get together and fight for the cause.

b.       We have arranged a get together for close friends to celebrate our wedding anniversary.


8.       Get over – come out of a difficult situation

a.       Its been 9 months since his death. You have to get over the mourning.

b.       I just got over from a bad cold.


9.       Get away with – to escape a bad situation

a.       Somehow, she got away with his wrath.

b.       The Prime Minister ensures that the criminals don’t get away with their wrongdoings.


10.   Get away from – to escape from a person

a.       We got away from the crowd by reaching early.

b.       We need to get away from each other for a few days to give some space.


11.   Getaway – escape to some place

a.       Let us plan for a nice weekend getaway.


12.   Get throughmanage to deal with a tough situation

a.       If I somehow get through the interview process, I can prove my calibre to them.

b.       She got through the selection process after 7 rounds.

c.       Getting through this long queue is going to take the whole day!

d.       I got through the line after trying 10 times.


13.   Get through to – explain something clearly to someone

a.       I am trying to get through to my parents since a long time.

b.       I tried getting through to him and explain my stand on the issue, but in vain.


14.   Get off – to get down from a train, bus, plane or car.

a.       He got off the plane minutes before it took off.

b.       I got off from the car because I wasn’t comfortable.


15.   Get off something – to avoid a severe punishment

a.       She got off with a small amount of fine because of her looks.

b.       My friend got me off from getting scolded by the teacher.


16.   Get rid of – to make yourself free from something or someone

a.       I finally got rid of her tantrums by filing a court case.

b.       Let us get rid of all the junk before we shift to the new apartment.


17.   Get on with – to have a good relationship or get along well with someone.

a.       The brothers get on with each other quite well.

b.       I can’t get on with her how much ever I try!

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