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Choose vs. Chose

In this article you will learn how to use the words choose and chose.

1:04 min read
  Charlotte B  —  Grammar Tips
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Chose" is the past tense of "choose". These two words can be used differently in sentences to express certain meanings.

Beginning with "choose", a verb that can be expressed in both transitive and intransitive forms.

Transitive form: The word "choose" can take a direct object and offer the following meanings in


Choose a lover => this entails having the power to freely select a lover after carefully considering it.

Choose one book over another=> this means to have preference for one book over another (or other books).

Intransitive form: Sometimes, the verb "choose" may not have a direct object. In this case, the verb gives rise to different meanings in sentences as demonstrated below:

Find it difficult to choose => to make selection that is not easy to make.

When all your dreams are achieved, you cannot afford to choose nothing but happiness => To take an option or alternative (This is used mostly after "cannot" and usually followed by "but")

On the other hand, the verb "chose" can only exist in "transitive form", producing specific meanings in sentences:

Some examples about the transitive form of "chose":

Chose her as the company president => To make a decision on by casting a vote.

Chose to drink wine => To decide to drink wine

Choose vs. Chose

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