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This article is about Feminine — enjoy your reading!

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  Angbeen Chaudhary  —  Grammar Tips
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In English language, a noun may be masculine, feminine or neuter form. Today I will discuss about the feminine form of the noun and what it means.

Feminine Noun:

A noun is known as feminine if it represents or talk about the person or thing that is female or related to the female gender.


Girl, woman, lady, miss etc.

Feminine Pronoun:

Along with these there are some pronouns that are referred to as feminine in nature. These pronoun refer to feminine nouns in the sentence.


She, her, herself etc.

Feminine Suffix:

A suffix is a small part of a word that comes at end of it to complete it. In English language, suffix –ess is usually considered feminine as it refers to females.


Mistress, countess, goddess, lioness etc.


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    "Feminine." STANDS4 LLC, 2024. Web. 11 Jun 2024. <>.

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