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its, it’s

This article is about its, it’s — enjoy your reading!

28 sec read
  Ed Good  —  Grammar Tips
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Note: The differences between its and it’s are discussed in depth in the Common Grammatical Mistakes Section of Click here for that discussion.

Misusing these two words ranks as one of the most frequent grammatical mistakes today. Smart writers know the huge differences between these two words.

The word its is the possessive form of the pronoun it.

The expression it’s is the contraction of “it is.”

Example: When the car first broke down, we wanted to replace its engine, but we soon learned that it’s almost impossible to find that model anymore.

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    "its, it’s." STANDS4 LLC, 2024. Web. 31 May 2024. <>.

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    A He bought a gift for himself.
    B They made the decision by they.
    C We decorated the house for our.
    D She wrote a letter to her.

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