Found 12 articles starting with J:

January - correct spelling

January - proper noun
Example: He was born on January 17, 1945....

jealous - correct spelling

jealous - adjective
Example: She flew into a jealous rage.Example: He is ...

jealousy - correct spelling

jealousy - noun
Example: Her jealousy clouded her judgment....

Jealousy vs. Envy

At a first quick analyze, “jealousy” and “envy” seem to refer to the same thing, to the negative feeling that appears when someone else has something that one doesn’t have, but aims to own. But if we take a closer look, the words have slightly differ...

Jewelry vs. Jewellery

At a first sight, one of these seems to be wrong. It's either "jewelry" or "jewellery", but one of them is certainly a mistake, right? Well, no. But let's take a closer look and understand why both forms are accepted and when you should choose the ri...

Joining Two Elements

In a series consisting of just two elements, ordinarily you should not use a comma with the conjunction. This mistake usually occurs in a sentence with two verbs: The committee revisited...

journal - correct spelling

journal - noun
Example: He kept a meticulous journal of his daily activities....

Judgement vs. Judgment

Judgement vs. Judgment: Navigating Spelling Variations Understanding the differences between "judgement" and "judgment" involves navigating variations in spelling. This article aims to clarify the distinctions between "judgement" and "jud...

judgment - correct spelling

judgment - noun
Not’s section on Problem Words discusses judgment and judgement. Click here...

judgment, judgement

The preferred spelling in American English is judgment. Even in England, in legal contexts, writers spell the word judgment. In nonlegal contexts in England, writers use judgement...

judicial - correct spelling

judicial - adjective
Example: Her judicial career spanned 30 years....


Many people use at this juncture when they mean “at this time.” The result is pompous. Restrict your use of juncture to those situations where you’re referring to a “crisis...

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    Identify the sentence with correct use of the gerund as the object of the preposition:
    A They are good at to play the piano.
    B She avoids to speak in public.
    C I am interested in learning new things.
    D He is not capable to understanding the situation.

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