Found 245 articles starting with S: Page #10

supposition - vocabulary

Conjecture, assumption; something that is supposed; an opinion based on incomplete evidence. Another and far more important reason than the delivery of a pair of embroidered gloves impelled Hester, at t...

suppress - correct spelling

Example: The judge will suppress this evidence....

Suppression vs. Repression

“Suppression” and “Repression” are two terms that are often used (and confused) in daily language. • Do you know the differen...

surely - correct spelling

adverb's section on the Parts of Speech discusses the demise of -ly adverbs. Click here for that di...

surfeit - vocabulary

Excess, an excessive amount, as in a surfeit of political speeches; overindulgence in eating and drinking; general disgust caused by excess.verb
To supply with anything to ex...

surprise - correct spelling

noun and verb
Example: This news was a surprise to all. noun
Example: His announcement will ...

surrogate - vocabulary

A person appointed to act for another, a deputy; a substitute; a surrogate mother. In law, in some states, a surrogate is a judicial officer charged with probating wills and administering estates....

surround - correct spelling

verb and noun
Example: The police plan to surround the crack house. verb
Example: The archite...

susceptible - correct spelling

Example: He is susceptible to the flu virus....

suspense - correct spelling

Example: The suspense is killing us....

suspicious - correct spelling

Example: He was suspicious of the strange behavior of his accountant....

sweat - correct spelling

verb and noun
Example: He learned to sweat the details. verb
Example: The ...

switcheroo noun

I coined this term to describe two-word pairs. The two words are spelled and sometimes pronounced identically. One word acts as a noun, the other as a verb
.A classic example is change. A nouny ...

sycophant - vocabulary

A servile flatterer, especially of those in authority or influence; a fawning parasite. Your future connection with Britain, whom you can neither love nor honour, will be forced and unnatural, and being...

syllable - correct spelling

Example: Good writers strive to use one-syllable words....

symmetrical - correct spelling

Example: The symmetrical pictures framed the hallway....

sympathy - correct spelling

noun’s section on Problem Words discusses sympathy and empathy. Click here for that discussion.Example: We ex...

Sympathy vs. Empathy

The terms sympathy and empathy is an addition to th...

synonym - correct spelling

Example: He checked the dictionary to find a short synonym of the long word....

synonymous - correct spelling

Example: The preacher believed that Hollywood is synonymous with immorality....

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    Identify the sentence with correct use of the participle phrase:
    A Broken by the news, she couldn't speak.
    B Running quickly, the finish line was in sight.
    C She listened to the music played by the band.
    D He wrote a letter, inspired by the beautiful scenery.

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