Found 28 articles starting with VE:

Vegan vs. Vegetarian

Vegan vs. VegetarianBoth “vegan” and “vegetarian” refer to a diet that consists of products that are not derived from animals. The best clue to remember this is the beginning of the words, which both start with “veg-”, just like ‘veg...

vegetable - correct spelling

noun and adjective
Example: He ate only one vegetable each day. noun
Example: She prefer...

vehement - vocabulary

Very eager or urgent; zealous, ardent; characterized by rancor or anger; consisting of great exertion or energy. It is very natural for young men to be vehement, acrimonious a...

vein - correct spelling

noun and verb
Example: The nurse finally found a vein for the IV. noun
Example: New houses wi...

Venal vs. Venial

Catholics everywhere are confused: do they commit venal sins or venial sins? And what is a venal/venial sin anyway? Whether they're Catholic or not, many writers are just as confused. Consider...

venal, venial

Venal means “open to corruption or without honor.”Venial means “easily forgiven” or “minor.”Example: The venal officer was guilty of more that just ...

venal, venial - vocabulary

Venal: willing to sell one’s influence in return for a bribe; associated with bribery. From what we already know, . . . some churchmen had dealings with the ...

venerable - vocabulary

Meriting or commanding high esteem because of age or high dignity; impressive or interesting because of great age; hallowed or historic. Heaven and earth are grand; father and...

vengeance - correct spelling

Example: The father of the missing child wanted vengeance....


The most important word in the English language is the verb. Without it, we could not write sentences. In fact, if you want to write a one-word sentence, that one word must be a verb.We have four kinds of main verbs: (1) ...

verb "to be"

The verb to be is unique in the English language. It can serve as a main verb (I am a writer) and as a primary auxiliary ver...

Verb "To Be"

To Be or Not To BeThe eBook Developing a Powerful Writing Style thoroughly discusses the problem of overusing the verb to ...

Verb Conjugation

Verb Conjugation in EnglishEvery verb in the English language has two states or dimensions—two realms, if you will. In the infinitive state, the verb reveals only the activity described: to hit or to run. Fr...

Verb Function 1 - Conjugated Verb

The conjugated verb performs the most crucial role in English: It forms the sentence. Without the conjugated verb, we would have no complete grammatical sentences.When conjugated, the verb forms two kinds of clauses. The independent clause ca...

Verb Function 2 - Infinitive Phrase - "To" Phrase

Remember the definition of the infinitive form of a verb: the word you would ordinarily look up in the dictionary. Its bare form is just the word by itself: write. Its periphrastic form consists of the infinitive preceded by the pre...

Verb Function 3 - Present-Participial Phrase (-ing Phrase)

Every verb has a present participle. Just add ‑ing as an ending. If a silent ‑e ends the word, then drop it: write, writing. If a consonant ends the word, you’ll sometimes ha...

Verb Function 4 - Past-Participial Phrase (-ed Phrase)

Every verb has a past participle, which we form by adding ‑ed for regular verbs and some other ending for irregular verbs. For the ‑ed verbs, we sometimes have to double up an ending consonant (occurred) (check the dictiona...

Verb Function 5 - Participial Adjectives

We come to the end of the list of the functions of verbs. One-word participles, either present or past, serve as wonderful participial adjectives. Think about the images these verbal adjectives can paint in your writing: -ing ...

verbal object

Action verbs come in two varieties: transitive verbs and intransitive verbs
. A transitive verb has the intrinsic ability to attach directly to a ...

verbal phrase

We have three verbal phrases in the English language: (1) infinitive phrases, (2) present-participial phrases, and (3) past-participial phra...

Verbs - Definition, Overview, and Lists of Examples

WelcomeBelow you’ll find links to our discussion on the most important word in the English language—verbs. We recommend that you start with the first topic,...

Verbs - What They Do

Shake hands with the most powerful word in the English language: the verb. You learned the basics in our discussion above. Now let’s carefully explore the five functions of verbs, see what they do, and then understand why F. Scott Fitzgerald once sai...

Verbs - Words That Do or Are

In this section, we’ll explore the most important word in the English language: the verb. If you want to develop a powerful writing style, you must learn what verbs do in our language.Why?The most important word in the Englis...

vernacular - vocabulary

Concerning language, indigenous or native, as opposed to learned or literary; using plain, ordinary language; also pertaining to a style of architecture employing techniques, decorative arts, materials, etc.,...

versatile - correct spelling

Example: His versatile abilities enabled him to perform many duties....

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    Choose the sentence with correct use of the indefinite pronoun:
    A Few have completed the task.
    B Everybody is welcome to the party.
    C Each of the students is presenting their project.
    D Someone are playing in the park.

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