Found 28 articles starting with VE: Page #2

Vertical, Enumerated Lists

Periods Following NumbersPeriods also show up after the numerals in an enumerated vertical list. Look at this example: His favorite movies included: 1. The Fight Club ...

Very vs. Too vs. Enough

Too The too with the double o implies more than necessary, desirable or r...

vestige - vocabulary

A visible trace, mark, or impression, of something absent, lost, or gone; a surviving evidence of a condition or practice. Most people with whom I talk, men and women even of some originality and genius...

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    Which sentence contains a dangling modifier?
    A While driving to work, the car broke down.
    B After finishing the book, the TV was turned off.
    C Running quickly, the finish line was crossed.
    D Being late, the boss was not pleased.

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