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Or vs Orwith

You will learn about the subtle difference between "or" and "orwith".

47 sec read
  Calin Baenen  —  Grammar Tips
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Or vs Orwith

"Or" and "orwith" may seem very similar at first; consider these two sentences: "The steak comes with beans or rice." and "The steak comes with beans orwith rice.".
They mean the same thing... right? No.

An important part of "orwith"'s identity is being inclusive unlike "or".
As an example, the second sentence, "The steak comes with beans orwith rice." means the steak can come with beans, the steak can come with rice, or the steak can come with beans and rice together; on the other hand, however, "or" does not promise getting the two options together is a possibility.
Sure, "The steak comes with beans or rice." can imply both are an option, but it's more sensical to indicate its inclusivity.

That is the difference, when compared to "orwith", "or" is exclusive, meaning you get ONLY ONE of the two things, whereas "orwith" carries the implication of togetherness, meaning you CAN get ONE OR CAN get BOTH.
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