Samd.18181's comments

Here's the list of comments submitted by samd.18181  — There are currently 1 comment total.
This is wrong, and why so many non native English speakers make mistakes because they are taught American English, rather than correct English. Whilst èndevor`is the US spelling it can only be used as a verb, however èndevour`cand be used as both a verb or a noun. There are many words that have a UK or US spelling differences (centre UK, center US)., stop just saying it is the ámerican spelling´of an English word, to explain away things, when there is a huge difference in the langauge gramatically. 

3 years ago


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Identify the sentence with correct use of the past perfect tense:
A They has left when we arrived.
B We were going to the party after we had eaten.
C She had already finished her work before he arrived.
D I had saw that movie last night.