Birdshit's comments

Here's the list of comments submitted by Birdshit  — There are currently 1 comment total.
The spelling 'donut' is NOT the 'US spelling'. That is rubbish. The only reason doughnut used more frequently in the UK, is because Dunkin Donuts never had much of a presence there. The 'donut' spelling only became popular due to that company's marketing. It has nothing to do with elegance or simplification. The preferred spelling in the US is also 'doughnut' - as they were originally made from 'little nuts of dough.' Any half-way decently educated American (yes, they exist) also knows this. 

2 years ago


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A They have been studying all day.
B We had eaten when she arrived.
C She finished her homework before dinner.
D I will be finished my work soon.