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Bid vs. Bide

The English language is rich in its vocabulary, often offering multiple words that may seem similar but have distinct meanings. Two such words are "bid" and "bide." While they may sound alike, their definitions and usage differ significantly. In this essay, we will delve into the discrepancies between these two terms, providing examples to illustrate their proper context.

1:25 min read
  Annie Lam  —  Grammar Tips
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Firstly, let us explore the word "bid." As a verb, "bid" typically refers to making an offer, especially in an auction or competitive situation. It implies an act of suggesting a price for an item or a service.

Example usages of "bid" include:

As a noun, "bid" can represent the act of offering a price or the amount of money offered in an auction or competitive situation.

Example usages of "bid" as a noun include:

  • The highest bid for the car was $10,000.
  • Her bid was successful, and she won the contract.
  • They made a low bid on the property, which was quickly rejected.


Now, let us turn our attention to the word "bide." As a verb, "bide" means to wait patiently or to endure. It carries a sense of staying in a particular place or situation until a specified event occurs.

Bid vs. Bide

Example usages of "bide" include:

Unlike "bid," "bide" does not have a noun form.


In summary, the main distinction between "bid" and "bide" lies in their meanings and usage. "Bid" typically refers to making an offer, often in the context of auctions or competitive situations, while "bide" conveys the idea of waiting patiently or enduring a situation. It is important to use these words correctly to ensure clear and effective communication.

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