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happiness - correct spelling

This article is about happiness - correct spelling — enjoy your reading!

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  Ed Good  —  Grammar Tips
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happiness - noun


Example: “Money can’t buy happiness.” *

* "Money can buy material things, but real happiness must be truly earned.” Now often used ironically. Rousseau (1712-78) wrote in 1750: 'Money buys everything, except morality and citizens.' The proverb first appeared in the United States in 'William & Mary College Quarterly' (1792). It is found in varying forms: Money can't buy everything, Money can't buy friends, Money can't buy love, etc. (Random House Dictionary of Popular Proverbs and Sayings by Gregory Y. Titelman, Random House, New York, 1996.) Other variations are: Money will buy everything but real happiness. Money won't buy happiness, but it will go a long way in helping you. (Dictionary of American Proverbs edited by Wolfgang Mieder & Others, Oxford University Press, Oxford and New York, 1992.)

And then there's: Money can't buy happiness but it allows you to rent.


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