Edgood's entries Page #80
Here's the list of entries submitted by edgood — There are currently 2,283 entries total — keep up the great work!
A complement verb, or phrasal verb, comprises a verb and a preposition. We have hundreds of them in the English language: dredge up, drop out, make up, mess up, screw up, and the list goes on and ... | added 7 years ago |
A complement is a word or group of words that completes the action or state of being expressed by the verb. A subject complement typically follows the verb to be ... | added 7 years ago |
Modifiers—adjectives and adverbs—attribute qualities to nouns and verbs. When the modifier shows a greater quality, it appears in the comparative state.Usually, for adjectives, you form ... | added 7 years ago |
A collective noun, also called a group noun, refers to a group of persons or things. Examples include group, number, majority, team, and many others.In American English, when individual members of ... | added 7 years ago |
A clause is a group of words with a conjugated verb in it. Clauses come in two types: (1) independent and (2) dependent. An independent clause is a full sent... | added 7 years ago |
We have seven kinds of pronouns in the English language (personal pronouns, reflexive and intensive pronouns, relative pron... | added 7 years ago |
When you conjugate a one-word verb, you can form the present tense (he decides) and the past tense (he decided) with just one verb word. But when yo... | added 7 years ago |
We have three articles in the English language: a, an, and the. The words a and an are indefinite articles, the word is a definite art... | added 7 years ago |
An appositive is a noun or noun phrase that defines or restates another noun (or pronoun). Generally, the appositive follows the word it defines, as in My friend, Susan... | added 7 years ago |
A pronoun takes the place of a noun. When writing, you'll use a pronoun and that pronoun will refer to some noun close by. That noun (the referent) is called the antecedent. The prefix ante... | added 7 years ago |
Many phrases can act as adverbs and modify a verb, another adverb, or an adjective. A prepositional phrase can act as an ad... | added 7 years ago |
First, a clause is a group of words with a conjugated verb in it. Second, an adverbial clause is a clause that modifies or describes a verb. Note these adverbial clauses: He quit the race... | added 7 years ago |
An adverb is a word or group of words that modifies or describes a verb. Many one-word adverbs end in “-ly,” such as he ran quickly. Others, however, do not, such as he ran ... | added 7 years ago |
First, a phrase is any multiword group without a conjugated verb. Second, an adjectival phrase is a phrase that modifies or describes a noun or pronoun. Usually, an adjectival phra... | added 7 years ago |
First, a clause is a group of words with a conjugated verb in it. Second, an adjectival clause is a clause that modifies or describes a noun or pronoun. Note these adjectival claus... | added 7 years ago |
An adjective is a word or group of words that modifies or describes a noun (a little girl) or a pronoun (he is ... | added 7 years ago |
Every transitive verb can appear in one of two voices: the active voice or the passive voice.In the active voice, the grammatical subject of the sentence is the actor. Thus, in the ... | added 7 years ago |
An action verb denotes physical, mental, or even emotional activity. The word run is obviously an action verb. But so is think.Every action verb is either transitive or ... | added 7 years ago |
An acronym is a pronounceable name made up of a series of initial letters or parts of words; for example, UNESCO for the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization.An initialism, on the other hand, is simply a ... | added 7 years ago |
Here’s the Glossary of Grammatical Terms. Click any word for a complete definition along with examples. acronym, initialism... | added 7 years ago |
Conclusion to the Section on Punctuation We hope you have enjoyed, and profited from, this discussion on the rules of punctuation. If you have, we hope you’ll tell your friends about Grammar.com.We hope you’ll use o... | added 7 years ago |
Exclamation Point Goes Outside Sometimes the exclamation point goes outside the closing quotations marks. When 911 took the call, the operator said, "I'm on a break now"! (Exclamation point showing the writer's exclamation goes outside the ending q... | added 7 years ago |
Sometimes the exclamation point goes inside the closing quotations marks. The man cried out: "Fire! There's a fire! Call 911!" (Exclamation point that's part of the quotation goes inside. Notice that no additional pun... | added 7 years ago |
Sometimes the question mark goes outside the closing quotations marks. Did the board really say, "We will consider the rules on charitable contributions"? (Question mark showing the writer's question goes outside.)... | added 7 years ago |
Sometimes the question mark goes inside the closing quotations marks. The committee asked, rather rhetorically, "Does this rule actually apply?" (Question mark that's part of the quotation goes inside. No ad... | added 7 years ago |