Edgood's entries Page #10
Here's the list of entries submitted by edgood — There are currently 2,283 entries total — keep up the great work!
adjectiveFoolishly sentimental; tearfully and weakly emotional. The young ladies did not drink it; Osborne did not like it; and the consequence was that Jos, that fat gourmand, drank up the wh... | added 8 years ago |
adjectiveGenerous in treating or judging others, generous in forgiving an insult; free from petty vindictiveness; noble, high-minded. Vronsky felt his elevation and his own abasement, his truth and his... | added 8 years ago |
nounThe great universe or world, the universe considered as a whole; the total complex structure of something. This monster of a land, this mightiest of nations, this spawn of the future, turns out to be th... | added 8 years ago |
adjectiveTalkative, tending to talk too much, chattering, babbling, garrulous. I found it not difficult, in the excitement of Mr. Chillip’s own brain, under his potations of negus, to divert his attent... | added 8 years ago |
adjectiveInvolving or being the strict or primary meaning of the word or words; not figurative; not metaphorical; actual or factual, not exaggerated.Note: Many people use literal when... | added 8 years ago |
adjectiveLiable: legally responsible; subject or susceptible to; likely or apt. Note: Liable is often interchangeable with likely i... | added 8 years ago |
adjectiveWithout vigor, determination, or interest; lethargic; listless; indolent.Note: This word is not pronounced with an x, as in laxadaisical. Start the word with lac... | added 8 years ago |
adjectiveCalculated to cause ill will or resentment; hateful, as in invidious remarks; offensively or unfairly injurious, as in invidious discrimination; tending to cause animosity. T... | added 8 years ago |
verbTo utter vehement censure or invective, to protest strongly (often followed by against). Senate Democrats who oppose President Bush's Iraq policy spoke today against Condoleezza Rice's nominati... | added 8 years ago |
nounAn utterance intended to cast censure or reproach; vehement denunciation; an insulting word or utterance. The art of invective resembles the art of boxing. Very few fights are won with ... | added 8 years ago |
adjectiveBelonging to a thing by its nature, inherent, as in the intrinsic value of gold. And yet, beyond that, she hardly knew what he had—save of course his intrinsic qualit... | added 8 years ago |
adjectiveFearless, courageous, and bold. Unchecked, the tourist will climb over the fence and come right into your house to take pictures of you in your habitat. Cities mindful of tourists have built e... | added 8 years ago |
adjectiveLacking interesting, stimulating, or distinctive qualities, as in an insipid, boring speaker; without a sufficient taste to be pleasing, as in an insipid meal. Kitty, to her ... | added 8 years ago |
adjectiveIntended to beguile or entrap, as in an insidious plot; stealthily deceitful or treacherous, as in an insidious foe; proceeding in a seemingly harmless way but actually with dangerous effect... | added 8 years ago |
adjectiveIncapable of being analyzed, investigated, or scrutinized; impenetrable, not easily understood; unfathomable; mysterious, as in an inscrutable smile; incapable of being seen through, as in the in... | added 8 years ago |
adjectiveIncapable of being satisfied or appeased, as in an insatiable thirst for fine wine. Sonia said this as though in despair, wringing her hands in excitement and distress. Her pale cheek... | added 8 years ago |
adjectiveAdverse in effect or tendency, harmful, unfavorable; unfriendly, hostile. In other words, Mr. Dimmesdale, whose sensibility of nerve often produced the effect of spiritual intuition, would bec... | added 8 years ago |
verbTo win confidence or good graces for oneself, especially through deliberate effort. “Yes, this is a monument he is setting up here,” said Anna, turning to Dolly with that sly smile of comprehension with... | added 8 years ago |
ingenuous, disingenuous - vocabulary adjectiveIngenuous: candid, frank, or open in character or quality; characterized by an inability to mask feelings, not devious.Disingenuous: the dis-... | added 8 years ago |
verbInfer: to derive by reasoning, to conclude or judge from evidence or premises.Imply: to suggest or indicate a conclusion without its being explicitly stated; ... | added 8 years ago |
adjectiveUnalterable, unyielding, as in an inexorable truth; unrelenting, not to be moved, persuaded, affected by entreaties or prayers, as in an inexorable bill collector. And never ... | added 8 years ago |
adjectiveIncapable of being expressed or described in words, as in ineffable joy; not to be spoken because of its sacredness, unutterable, as in the ineffable name of the deity. He be... | added 8 years ago |
adjectiveLaziness; having or showing a disposition to avoid exertion or work. In pathology, causing little or no pain, as in an indolent sore slow to heal. Miss Bingley was engrossed by Mr. Da... | added 8 years ago |
adjectiveBeginning to appear or exist, in an initial stage, as in an incipient disease. [Brent] Scowcroft predicted "an incipient civil war" would grip Iraq and said the best ... | added 8 years ago |
adjectiveNot yet completed or fully developed; just begun, incipient; not organized, lacking order. Until an employee has earned his retirement pay, or until the time arrives when he may retire, his re... | added 8 years ago |