Teril's entries Page #2

Here's the list of entries submitted by Teril  — There are currently 54 entries total — keep up the great work!

Gaslighting and The Metaverse: 2 Popular Words

In today’s article, I have described Gaslighting and The Metaverse: 2 Popular Words.  Although not new, these two words have increas...

1 year ago

Fahrenheit vs. Celsius

The Fahrenheit Temperature Scale and the Celsius ...

1 year ago

Tautology: Definition and Best Examples

Are you redundant when you write?The word tautology refers to a phrase in whic...

1 year ago

4 of the World's Oldest Languages

What do the Lithuanian language, the Tamil language, the Hebrew language, and the language of Farsi have in common?...

1 year ago

3 Online Words Of The Year: Catphishing, Ghosting, Doxing

What Are Catphishing, Ghosting, and Doxing?The Internet provides us with an unparalleled amount of information and opportunities. Hand in hand...

1 year ago

Suppression vs. Repression

“Suppression” and “Repression” are two terms that are often used (and confused) in daily language. • Do you know the differen...

1 year ago

5 of the World’s Newest Languages

In this article, we will be looking at five of the world’s newest languages. The formation of a language is a slow-moving, living process that is influenced by many f...

1 year ago

Tips for Learning a Foreign Language

Learning a foreign language can be challenging, especially for an adult. It takes motivation, energy, and perseverance. ...

1 year ago

Defamation vs. Slander vs. Libel

Defamation, slander, and libel are often used interchangeably, and their meanings are often confused. ...

1 year ago

Language vs. Dialect

There is a fine line between a language and a dialect. In this article, you will learn about their differences and their similarities.  ...

1 year ago

Democracy vs. Republic

In this article, we will explore the differences and similarities between a "democracy" and a "republic". ...

1 year ago

Haiku vs. Tanka

Poetry takes on many forms across the globe. Poems can rhyme, poems can flow without punctuation, poems can express or describe or inspire. ...

1 year ago

Deductive vs. Inductive Reasoning: Which is the Logical Choice?

Are you a logical person?Do you weigh the facts before you decide?...

1 year ago

Schadenfreude vs. Freudenfreude

Can we be conscious of an emotion when we have no word to describe it? “Schadenfreude”...

1 year ago

Teleology vs. Deontology

WHAT IS TELEOLOGY?The word teleology is derived from the Greek word telos, which means the goal or the end, and logos, which mean science.&...

1 year ago

Depository vs. Repository: Do They Mean the Same?

In what ways are “Depository” and “Repository” similar?“Depository” is a noun, is Latin in origin, and is defined by Merriam-Webster Dictionary as “...

1 year ago

Subconscious vs. Unconscious: What is the Difference?

In this article:1. I will define these three levels of mind by comparing them to an iceberg.2....

1 year ago

Manga and Anime: Two Japanese Storytelling Media

Comparing Manga and AnimeManga is a hand-drawn story in comic book format, featuri...

1 year ago

Using Gender-Neutral Alternatives

Are you sexist or gender-biased? Of course not. In 1776, Thomas Jefferson coined the phrase “all men are created equal,” and his words have become a cornerstone of our shared value system. But Jefferson was not us...

1 year ago

3 Instinctive Grammar Rules

Most native English speakers are not English majors and have never studied grammar. Most of us do not know the underlying rules that govern the structures and usage of the English language. We speak correctly, e...

1 year ago

15 Baseball Idioms and Metaphors

It is interesting to contemplate how a language grows. For example, let’s look at what the game of baseball contributed to the English language. ...

1 year ago

How To Improve Your Articulation When Speaking English

What types of sounds can you articulate?The English language is composed of consonants and vowels.Consonants are the sounds that are made when you close your lips, touch your tongue to y...

1 year ago

Made From vs. Made Of vs. Made With vs. Made out of

Made from Made from is often used when describing how something is modified to create something else; it often describes a material that has been changed by the transformation of its ingredient...

1 year ago

Only If vs. If Only

Only If“You fail only if you stop writing.” -Ray BradburyLet’s start our exploration by separating the words only and if....

1 year ago

Every day vs. Everyday

When do I use the words: “every day”?“Every day may not be goodBut there is good in every day.”  Alice Morse EarleThe words every day describe the fr...

1 year ago

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Are you a grammar master?

Identify the sentence with correct verb tense:
A He is going to the party yesterday.
B She will go to the concert tomorrow.
C We has visited that museum before.
D They will finish the project next week.