Found 182 articles starting with E: Page #8

Expresso vs. Espresso

All coffee lovers and, in fact, most people that have entered a coffee shop, a bar or a restaurant, know what an espresso is. But what is an "expresso"? Some might get confused by this word, knowing that it doesn't appear in any menu, dictionary, pub...

extenuate - vocabulary

To diminish the gravity or importance of an offense, fault, or crime; to underestimate, make light of, underrate.Note: The present parti...

Extortion vs. Blackmail

Extortion vs. Blackmail: Navigating Distinctions in Coercion Understanding the differences between "extortion" and "blackmail" involves recognizing distinctions in forms of coercion. This article aims to clarify the meanings, applications...

extreme - correct spelling

extreme adjective
Example: He answered the door with extreme hostility....

extremely - correct spelling

extremely adverb's section on the Parts of Speech discusses the demise of -ly adverbs. Click here for that dis...

extricate - vocabulary

To release or free from entanglement, to disengage, usually from a situation. Tell a man whose house is on fire to give a moderate alarm; tell him to moderately rescue his wife from the hands of the rav...

exuberance - correct spelling

exuberance adjective
Example: “But how do we know when irrational exuberance has unduly escalated asset values, which then become subject to un...

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    Choose the sentence with correct use of the infinitive:
    A She promised to calls me later.
    B I want that you help me.
    C They decided to go on vacation.
    D The cat is too scared to climb.

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