Found 345 articles starting with P: Page #9

precedent, precedence

The meaning of the word precedent in law—a judicial decision that sets a rule—is very close to the common usage of the word: an “example” or “custom resulting from long practice.” A lawyer might find several prec...

preceding - correct spelling

preceding - adjective and verb (present participle of the verb precede)  Not preceeding.Example: He looked at the footnote ...

precise - correct spelling

precise - adjective
Example: The architect studied the precise measurements of the room....

preclude - vocabulary

To prevent the occurrence or existence of something; to exclude from something. Anyone who has breast-fed knows two things for sure: The baby wants to be fed at the most inopportune times, in the most i...

precocious - vocabulary

Unusually mature or advanced in development, especially in mental aptitude; usually in reference to children. What might be taken for a precocious genius is the genius of chil...

precursor - vocabulary

A person or thing that precedes; a person, animal, or thing indicating the approach of something or someone, a harbinger. In his very rejection of art Walt Whitman is an artist. He tried to produce a ce...


Every sentence or clause has a subject and a predicate. The subject is a noun, pronoun, or group of words acting as a noun, and the words ...


Do you know what a predicate is? It sounds somehow familiar but only a few of us really understand the meani...

predicate adjective

A predicate adjective is an adjective appearing in the predicate of a sentence or clause and modifying the grammatical subject of t...

predicate nominative

A predicate nominative is also called a subject complement or a predicate noun. The predicate nominative typically follows the verb to be
. Sometimes a predicate nom...

predicate noun

 See predicate nominative

predictable - correct spelling

predictable - adjective
Example: New polls show the predictable winners in the election....

predilection - vocabulary

A tendency or inclination to think favorably about something, a preference, as in a predilection for Mozart. The parrot holds its food for prim consumption as daintily as any debutante, [with] ...

predominant, predominate

As an adjective, predominant describes something with the greatest influence or authority.As a verb, predominat...

prefer - correct spelling

prefer - verb
Example: We can go to the opera, if you prefer....

preference - correct spelling

preference - noun
Example: My preference is Coke, not Pepsi....

preferential - correct spelling

preferential - adjective
Example: The boss’s daughter received preferential treatment....

preferred - correct spelling

preferred - verb (past tense and past participle of the verb prefer) and adjective
Not prefered.Example: She ...


English seems quite a simple language at first glance, but when you dig deep into it i.e. when you try to ex...

Prefix Words

IntroductionMany words start with prefixes; e.g., nonresident, antitrust, coparty, and a spate of others. As a writer, you must learn the rules of hyphenation. So let's start with this observation:...

Prefix Words - Exceptions to the Rule

Important ExceptionsThere are some exceptions to the basic rule that prefix words do not include the hyphen: Root word is capitalized. Root word is a date. Hyphenate to avoid ambiguity. ...

prejudice - correct spelling

prejudice - noun and verb
Example: In the 1960s, they fought the war against racial prejudice. noun...

premier, premiere

Premier is both a noun and an adjective associated with the highest status or rank.Premiere can be used as a noun ...

premise - vocabulary

A proposition on which an argument is based or from which a conclusion is drawn. In law, premises refers to land and buildings on the land.verb
To assume or state as a propos...

preparation - correct spelling

preparation - noun
Not preperation.Example: Careful preparation ensured the physician’s success....

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    Identify the sentence with correct use of the preposition 'over':
    A The bird flew over the trees.
    B The cat is sleeping over the bed.
    C She sat over the edge of the cliff.
    D He jumped over the fence.

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