
Angbeenc's entries Page #11

Here's the list of entries submitted by angbeenc  — There are currently 309 entries total — keep up the great work!

Travelled vs. Traveled

Lee travelled to the Middle East during vacations. ...

7 years ago

Maneuver vs. Manoeuvre

Maneuver and manoeuvre are among the list of those words which have more than one spellings and which are a cause of a lot of confusion among young Englis...

7 years ago

Wreathe vs. Wreath

I wreathed my door with a lily wreath. ...

7 years ago

Pole vs. Poll

The director promised to strike the poll in the ground if the results of the pole were in his favor....

7 years ago

Palate vs. Palette vs. Pallet

Ever come across words in your writing experiences which sound the same? However and in whatever accent you pronounce them, they always seem to sound exactly alike. Their spellings ...

7 years ago

Loath vs. Loathe

Elle was loathed to admit that she loathed her mother. ...

7 years ago

Hoard vs. Horde

Grandfather has a hoard of old gold coins which he like to brag about to a horde of people. ...

7 years ago

Fawn vs. Faun

Homophones, literally "same sound" are usually defined as words that share the same pronunciation, regardless of how they are spelled. The similarity in the sounds of the homophones...

7 years ago

Born vs. Borne

An African-born ...

7 years ago

Broach vs. Brooch

She sat on the c...

7 years ago

Course vs. Coarse

Consider the sentence written below:...

7 years ago

Need vs. Knead

I need to knead ...

7 years ago

Balmy vs. Barmy

Barmy and balmy sound exactly alike, and with the exception of one word (r in barmy and l in balmy) their spellings are very much similar too. The meanings of both the words however...

7 years ago

Aisle vs. Isle

Aisle and isle are one of the most confusing pair of words as they sound exactly alike and their spellings are almost similar too. There is however, a great difference between ...

7 years ago

Flout vs. Flaunt

He always flaunts about how he flout the rules every time. ...

7 years ago

Envelop vs. Envelope

He tore open the envelope as he was enveloped in anguish. ...

7 years ago

Illicit vs. Elicit

The boss’s illicit association with his secretary elicited for a solution in order to retain the healthy...

7 years ago

Pore vs. Pour

Take a look at the above two sentences. One of them is not correct. Can you identify which one? Pore...

7 years ago

Desert vs. Dessert

I would love to enjoy a cold dessert in a desert. ...

7 years ago

Disinterested vs. Uninterested

Alex brought her disinterested friend to solve the dispute between her and Adam who was uninterested in ...

7 years ago

Dual vs. Duel

Dual and duel are a pair of homophones which means that both the words spell and sound almost similar but their meanings are entirely different from each other. Homophones are usual...

7 years ago

Altogether vs. All together

It was an altoge...

8 years ago

Appraise vs. Apprise

Keep me apprised...

8 years ago

Assent vs. Ascent vs. Accent

He assented to d...

8 years ago

Censure vs. Censor vs. Sensor

The government f...

8 years ago

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Identify the sentence with correct use of the future perfect tense:
A By tomorrow, she will have completed her project.
B He is working on the assignment now.
C She had completed the task yesterday.
D They have finished their dinner before the movie starts.